Friday, June 20, 2008

Style; Take II

One of the first assignments for this class was to write a blog posting about what we thought the term "style," in writing, meant. In my posting, I talked about how everyone has their own personal style. After completing most of the assignments in this class, after reading various texts, and after reading the writing of my classmates, I believe that my statement wasn't exactly true. Style is not something that you put your personal mark on. It is something that is different for all of the genres of writing. However, everyone puts their own personality, per say, into their writing.

In the peer review portion of this course, personalities were certainly apparent in the papers I read. Putting that aside, there was an objective to be met for each of the assignments. There were varied requirements that were given. This was the writing "style" that needed to be followed. Style is not personal; it is more of a guideline.

We learned in the readings of Williams and of Strunk and White that there are some rules of grammar and good writing that cannot be avoided. We also learned that some of these rules have evolved over time and become optional. There are more informal styles that can be used when you are writing in a blog or sending an email. In our most recent assignment, we learned that there are certain styles that are appropriate to use when you are writing on a website. All of these things are not "personal" style; they are rules and guidelines that society follows in writing.

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